내셔널 지오그래픽 자연 사진 (1280x1080)





'그림.사진' 카테고리의 다른 글

(미술)극사실주의-Richard Estes   (0) 2010.07.19
(미술)극사실주의  (0) 2010.07.19
(사진)빛이 만들어준 환상 풍경   (0) 2010.06.07
(사진)2010 첼시의 플라워 쇼  (0) 2010.05.27
(사진)그림같은 풍경  (0) 2010.05.25













'그림.사진' 카테고리의 다른 글

(미술)극사실주의  (0) 2010.07.19
(사진)내셔널 지오그래픽 자연 사진 (1280x1080)  (0) 2010.06.16
(사진)2010 첼시의 플라워 쇼  (0) 2010.05.27
(사진)그림같은 풍경  (0) 2010.05.25
(조각)극사실주의 조각  (0) 2010.05.03

2010 첼시의 플라워 쇼 (2010.5.25)

(RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2010)



잉글랜드 첼시에서 매년 진행되는 세계에서 유명한 꽃 전시 행사로 5월에 5일간 진행. (2010년 5월 25일~29일)







































영국 출신으로 현재 캐나다에서 작품활동을 하고 있는 현대 조각가 제이미 새먼.
그는 실리콘, 고무, 아크릴, 사람의 머리카락 등을 이용해 작품을 만들고 있다.
그는 알려져 있는 현실적인 모습을 만들기 위해 여러단계를 거치며,
한 단계에 몇주에서 몇달이 걸리는 경우도 있다고 한다.

새먼은 주로 사람을 형상화 한 작품을 만들고 있는데, 피부 및 표정 등
작품의 모든 것이 실제 사람을 보는 것과 같은 착각을 불러일으킨다.

예술은 역시 시간과 인내를 가지고 해야하는 작업임에는 틀림없는 듯 하다.
사진을 보다보면 머리카락의 흐름이나 수, 피부의 모공과 접혀 있는 목주름 등
너무도 진짜와 닮은 조각품들이다.

약간 섬뜩할 정도로 사람과 닮은 조각품이다..
아무리 계속 봐도 피부표현은 정말 예술!!

포토 갤러리 - 렌즈로 본 하늘의 풍경 / 솔트 시그몬드 (Zsolt Zsigmond) 作






☆ 즐거운사라의 '마광수'














교수가 그린 해학적 이면서 그무언가의 메세지가

    담긴듯한 '누드화' 


마광수 교수의 에로틱 그림 [인생은 즐거워] [Kiss in the Dark] [人 生] [푸른손톱] [입을 가린 여자] [태양빛이 너무 뜨거워 우산을 쓰니 비가 온다]

[인생만사 세옹지마] [잠자는 숲속의 미녀] [줄거운 고독] [즐거운 날] [짝사랑은 허무해]

입으로 그린 데생 작품들 - 더그 랜디스 (Doug Landis)作






캐나다 (Canada)










                                                 Steven J. Levin
















                                               Bernardo Torrens


                                                                    [Spanish Contemporary Realist Painter, born in 1957]




                                                                                                      Alli Te Espero




                                                                                                          HOLLY I




                                                                                                        LOURDES I 




                                                                                                           LOURDES II  




                                                                                                      LOURDES III




                                                                                                       LOURDES IV  




                                                                                               UNDER THE SKYLIGHT




                                                                                                        MONIQUE I








                                                                                                            JESI I




                                                                                                            JESI II




                                                                                                          JESI III








                                                                                          THE ENGLISH MAN'S GIRL




                                                                                                        OLIMPIA I




                                                                                                      OLIMPIA III




                                                                                                    KITCHEN SCULION  




                                                                                                          HOLLY II




                                                                                                   LOURDES'S PENDANT




                                                                                                     LOURDES XV




                                                                                                     LOURDES XIII




                                                                                                  Deyanira’s Cap




                                                                                                    ESTUDIO ANAL




                                                                                             ESTUDIO PARA ESPALDA




                                                                                               ESTUDIO PUDICOL II




                                                                                                        PUDICOL II








                                                                                                       LA PLAZA  








                                                                                                      EL PICADOR




                                                                                                        FELIX PONS





'그림.사진' 카테고리의 다른 글

(사진)캐나다 (Canada) 풍경  (0) 2010.03.17
(그림)Steven J. Levin - nude  (0) 2010.03.17
(그림)Savijay Kumar - nude  (0) 2010.03.13
(그림)Ted Seth Jacobs - nude  (0) 2010.03.11
(사진)캐나다 (Canada) 풍경  (0) 2010.03.10




                                                    Savijay Kumar





















                                                    Ted Seth Jacobs










캐나다 (Canada)






'그림.사진' 카테고리의 다른 글

(그림)Savijay Kumar - nude  (0) 2010.03.13
(그림)Ted Seth Jacobs - nude  (0) 2010.03.11
(그림)극사실주의 화가 - Malcolm Morley  (0) 2010.03.10
(그림)Jill Hooper -nude  (0) 2010.03.09
(그림)Les Hayes - nude  (0) 2010.03.09




                                                  Malcolm Morley



                                                                                                    Beach Scene






Malcolm Morley

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Malcolm Morley (born June 7, 1931) is an English artist now living in the United States.

Morley was born in north London. He had a troubled childhood, and did not discover art until serving a three-year stint in Wormwood Scrubs prison. After release, he studied art first at the Camberwell School of Arts and then at the Royal College of Art (1955–1957), where his fellow students included Peter Blake and Frank Auerbach. In 1956, he saw an exhibition of contemporary American art at the Tate Gallery, and began to produce paintings in an abstract expressionist style.

In 1958, a year after leaving the Royal College, Morley moved to New York City, met Barnett Newman, and became influenced by him. He painted a number of works at this time made up of only horizontal black and white bands.

He also met Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and, influenced in part by them, changed to a photo-realist style (Morley prefers the phrase super realist). He often used a grid to transfer photographics images (often of ships) from a variety of sources (travel brochures, calendars, old paintings) to canvas as accurately as possible, and became one of the most noted photo-realists.

In the 1970s, Morley's work began to be more expressionist, and he began to incorporate collage into his work. Many of his paintings from the mid-70s, such as Train Wreck (1975), depict "catastrophes". Later in the decade, he began to use his own earlier drawings and watercolours as the subject for his paintings.

In 1984, Morley won the inaugural Turner Prize. In the 1990s he returned again to a more precise photo-realist style, often reproducing images from model aeroplane kits on large canvases.

His most significant student is his ex-wife, Fran Bull. Malcolm Morley is represented by Sperone Westwater, New York.



                                                                                                       Bay of Angels





                                                                                                  Cristoforo Colombo





                                                                                                          On Deck





                                                                                        Marine Sergeant at Valley Forge





                                                                                               Open Golf Championship





                                                                                         Portrait of Esses in Central Park





                                                                                        S.S. Amstedam in front of Rotterdam





                                                                                  S.S. Independence with Côte d'Azur






Ship's Dinner Party




                                                                                              The Ruskin Family





                                                                                  United States with New York Skyline





                                                                                        Coronation and Beach Scene





                                                                      Cristoforo Colombo: Bow, Bridge, Smokestack, Stern




                                                                                                     Diving Champion











Red Arrows




                                                                                                      Family Portrait




                                                                                             The Day of the Locust





                                                                                       Madison Telephone Book Cover 





                                                                                             Los Angeles Yellow Pages




'그림.사진' 카테고리의 다른 글

(그림)Ted Seth Jacobs - nude  (0) 2010.03.11
(사진)캐나다 (Canada) 풍경  (0) 2010.03.10
(그림)Jill Hooper -nude  (0) 2010.03.09
(그림)Les Hayes - nude  (0) 2010.03.09
(그림)극사실주의 화가 - Gottfried Helnwein  (0) 2010.03.08




                                                Jill Hooper
























                                               Les Hayes








                                                                    Gottfried Helnwein












Gottfried Helnwein

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gottfried Helnwein (born October 8, 1948 in Vienna) is an Austrian-Irish fine artist, painter, photographer, installation and performance artist.

Helnwein studied at the University of Visual Art in Vienna (German: Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien). He was awarded the Master-class prize (Meisterschulpreis) of the University of Visual Art, Vienna, the Kardinal-König prize and the Theodor-Körner prize.

He has worked as a painter, draftsman, photographer, muralist, sculptor, installation- and performance artist, using a wide variety of techniques and media.

His early work consists mainly of hyper-realistic watercolors, depicting wounded children, as well as performances - often with children - in public spaces. Helnwein is concerned primarily with psychological and sociological anxiety, historical issues and political topics. As a result of this, his work is often considered provocative and controversial.

Viennese-born Helnwein is part of a tradition going back to the 18th century, to which Messerschmidt's grimacing sculptures belong. one sees, too, the common ground of his works with those of Hermann Nitsch and Rudolf Schwarzkogler, two other Viennese, who display their own bodies in the frame of reference of injury, pain, and death. one can also see this fascination for body language goes back to the expressive gesture in the work of Egon Schiele.

A clarity of vision in his subject matter was emerging in Helnwein's art that was to stay consistent throughout his career. His subject matter is the human condition. The metaphor for his art, although it included self-portraits, is dominated by the image of the child, but not the carefree innocent child of popular imagination. Helnwein instead created the profoundly disturbing yet compellingly provocative image of the wounded child. The child scarred physically and the child scarred emotionally from within.

In 2004 The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco organized the first one-person exhibition of Gottfried Helnwein at an American Museum: "The Child, works by Gottfried Helnwein" at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor. The show was seen by almost 130,000 visitors and the San Francisco Chronicle quoted it the most important exhibition of a contemporary artist in 2004. Steven Winn, Chronicle Arts and Culture Critic, wrote: "Helnwein's large format, photo-realist images of children of various demeanors boldly probed the subconscious. Innocence, sexuality, victimization and haunting self-possession surge and flicker in Helnwein's unnerving work".

Harry S.Parker III, Director of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco explained what makes Helnwein’s art significant: "For Helnwein, the child is the symbol of innocence, but also of innocence betrayed. In today’s world, the malevolent forces of war, poverty, and sexual exploitation and the numbing, predatory influence of modern media assault the virtue of children. Robert Flynn Johnson, the curator in charge, has assembled a thought-provoking selection of Helnwein’s works and provided an insightful essay on his art. Helnwein’s work concerning the child includes paintings, drawings, and photographs, and it ranges from subtle inscrutability to scenes of stark brutality. Of course, brutal scenes—witness The Massacre of the Innocents—have been important and regularly visited motifs in the history of art. What makes Helnwein’s art significant is its ability to make us reflect emotionally and intellectually on the very expressive subjects he chooses. Many people feel that museums should be a refuge in which to experience quiet beauty divorced from the coarseness of the world. This notion sells short the purposes of art, the function of museums, and the intellectual curiosity of the public. The Child: Works by Gottfried Helnwein will inspire and enlighten many; it is also sure to upset some. It is not only the right but the responsibility of the museum to present art that deals with important and sometimes controversial topics in our society".

Another strong element in his work are comics. Helnwein has sensed the superiority of cartoon life over real life ever since he was a child. A magazine interview brought out an explanation of his obsession with Disney characters. Growing up in dreary, destructed post-war Vienna, the young boy was surrounded by unsmiling people haunted by a recent past they could never speak about. What changed his life was the first German-language Donald Duck comic book that his father brought home one day. Opening the book felt like finally arriving in a world where he belonged:
"...a decent world where one could get flattened by steam-rollers and perforated by bullets without serious harm. A world in which the people still looked proper, with yellow beaks or black knobs instead of noses."

In 2000 the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presented Helnwein's painting "Mouse I" (1995, oil and acrylic on canvas, 210 cm x 310 cm) at the exhibition The Darker Side of Playland: Childhood Imagery from the Logan Collection.
Alicia Miller commented on Helnwein's work in Artweek: "In 'The Darker Side of Playland', the endearing cuteness of beloved toys and cartoon characters turns menacing and monstrous. Much of the work has the quality of childhood nightmares. In those dreams, long before any adult understanding of the specific pains and evils that live holds, the familiar and comforting objects and images of a child's world are rent with something untoward. For children, not understanding what really to be afraid of, these dreams portend some pain and disturbance lurking into the landscape. Perhaps nothing in the exhibition exemplifies this better than Gottfried Helnwein's 'Mickey'. His portrait of Disney's favorite mouse occupies an entire wall of the gallery; rendered from an oblique angle, his jaunty, ingenuous visage looks somehow sneaky and suspicious. His broad smile, encasing a row of gleaming teeth, seems more a snarl or leer. This is Mickey as Mr. Hyde, his hidden other self now disturbingly revealed. Helnwein's Mickey is painted in shades of gray, as if pictured on an old black-and-white TV set. We are meant to be transported to the flickering edges of our own childhood memories in a time imaginably more blameless, crime-less and guiltless. But Mickey's terrifying demeanor hints of things to come..."

Although Helnwein's work is rooted in the legacy of German expressionism, he has absorbed elements of American pop culture. In the 70s he began to include cartoon characters in his paintings. In several interviews he claimed: "I learned more from Donald Duck than from all the schools that I have ever attended." Commenting on that aspect in Helnwein's work, Julia Pascal wrote in the New Statesman: "His early watercolor Peinlich (Embarrassing) shows a typical little 1950s girl in a pink dress and carrying a comic book. Her innocent appeal is destroyed by the gash deforming her cheek and lips. It is as if Donald Duck had met Mengele".

Living between Los Angeles and Ireland, Helnwein met and photographed the Rolling Stones in London, and his portrait of John F Kennedy made the front cover of Time magazine on the 20th anniversary of the president's assassination. His Self-portrait as screaming bandaged man, blinded by forks (1982) became the cover of the Scorpions album Blackout. Andy Warhol, Muhammad Ali, William Burroughs[12]and the German industrial metal band Rammstein posed for him; some of his art-works appeared in the cover-booklet of Michael Jackson's History album. Referring to the fall of the Berlin Wall Helnwein created the book Some Facts about Myself, together with Marlene Dietrich. In 2003 he became friends with Marilyn Manson and started a collaboration with him on the multi-media art-project The Golden Age of Grotesque and on several experimental video-projects. Among his widely published works is a spoof of the famous Edward Hopper painting Nighthawks, entitled Boulevard of Broken Dreams. This painting also inspired the Green Day song of the same name.

Examining his imagery from the 1970s to the present, one sees influences as diverse as Bosch, Goya, John Heartfield, Beuys and Mickey Mouse, all filtered through a postwar Viennese childhood.

"God of the Sub-humans" (detail, self-portrait, right panel of the Triptych), Gottfried Helnwein, 1986, Photography, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, Collection Leopold Hoesch Museum, Düren'Helnwein’s oeuvre embraces total antipodes: The trivial alternates with visions of spiritual doom, the divine in the child contrasts with horror-images of child-abuse. But violence remains to be his basic theme, - the physical and the emotional suffering, inflicted by one human being unto another.

The self-portrait for the artist's blindfolded unbent head covered with blood occurs twice in Helnwein's triptych The Silent Glow of the Avantgarde (1986). The middle panel shows an enlarged reproduction of Caspar David Friedrich's The sea of Ice, a depiction of a catastrophe of 1823/24 which is generally interpreted as a romantic allegory of the force of nature overpowering all human effort . Helnwein compared the "quietly theatrical" ecstatic attitude of his self-portrait with the heroic pose of the figure of the suffering figure of Sebastian and generalizes both to the stigma of the artist in the 20th century, making him a kind of saviour figure. In addition, its poetic title sets the viewer onto the right track. The visual montage of the modern artist as Man of Sorrows with Friedrich's landscape painting projects the dashed hopes of the romantic rebellion into the present, to the protest thinking of modernity, which has become introverted and masochistic, and its crossing of aesthetic boundaries. Is romanticism making a comeback? - No; actually, it had never left modernity. But its rebellion is confining and introverting itself in the "body metaphysics" of contemporary artists to its own flesh and blood. Thus, the comeback of romanticism leads for Helnwein, too, to stressing just one of its partial aspects, the stylizing in the form of a self-portrait of a protest introverted to martyrdom which historically was once linked in a contradictory way with social opposition, rebellion, and utopia.
Mitchell Waxman wrote 2004, in The Jewish Journal, Los Angeles: "The most powerful images that deal with Nazism and Holocaust themes are by Anselm Kiefer and Helnwein, although, Kiefer’s work differs considerably from Helnwein’s in his concern with the effect of German aggression on the national psyche and the complexities of German cultural heritage. Kiefer is known for evocative and soulful images of barren German landscapes. But Kiefer and Helnwein’s work are both informed by the personal experience of growing up in a post-war German speaking country... William Burroughs said that the American revolution begins in books and music, and political operatives implement the changes after the fact. To this maybe we can add art. And Helnwein's art might have the capacity to instigate change by piercing the veil of political correctness to recapture the primitive gesture inherent in art."

One of the most famous paintings of Helnwein's oeuvre is Epiphany I - Adoration of the Magi, (1996, oil and acrylic on canvas, 210 cm x 333cm, collection of the Denver Art Museum). It is part of a series of three paintings: Epiphany I, Epiphany II (Adoration of the Shepherds), Epiphany III (Presentation at the Temple), created between 1996 and 1998. In Epiphany I, SS officers surround a mother and child group. To judge by their looks and gestures, they appear to be interested in details such as head, face, back and genitals. The arrangement of the figures clearly relates to motive and iconography of the adoration of the three Magi, such as were common especially in the German, Italian and Dutch 15th century artworks. Julia Pascal wrote about this work in the New Statesman: "This Austrian Catholic Nativity scene has no Magi bearing gifts. Madonna and child are encircled by five respectful Waffen SS officers palpably in awe of the idealised, blonde Virgin. The Christ toddler, who stands on Mary's lap, stares defiantly out of the canvas." Helnwein's baby Jesus is often considered to represent Adolf Hitler.


                                                                                 Crocodile Rock








                                                                                       Red Mouth




                                                                                Child of Light




                                                                                     The Song I




                                                                            Mother, Is It You?




                                                                        Lebensunwertes Leben












                                                                               Beautiful Victim I




                                                                             Beautiful Victim II






                                                                           Anna on the Upswing




                                                                                  The Intrusion





Das Grubenungluck

                                                                            Death of Pinocchio








                                                          Two American Doctors teasing a Patient













                                                                                Little Correction




                                                                              Good-bye, Prinzessin




                                                                          Der Vater mit der Nase




                                                                                 Edgar Allen Poe






                                                                         John Kacere









John Kacere (1920 – 1999)

Kacere was born in 1920 in Walker, Iowa.

John Kacere was an abstract painter from 1950 to 1963, but moved to a realistic style; he has been considered a photo-realist or hyper-realist, although he has not adopted the methodology of these schools. Since 1963, he has concentrated on the subject of woman.










































































































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Reflections on Loire

30"h x 40", giclee on canvas, 2005
wMontresor is a link in a chain of fortifications that snake out from and around the impregnable fortress of Loches itself perches strategically above the Valley. The Indre joins the Loire just below Tours




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After the Storm

36"h x 24"w, giclee on canvas, 2005





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Montemerano's Street, Italy

28"h x 32", wgiclee on canvas, 2006
The streets, facades and gardens of Montemerano are a colourful testimony to the fertility of Tuscany. Every sunlit corner offers a profusion of floral delights.




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28"h x 32"w, giclee on canvas, 2006





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Three Bells in Tuscany

24"h x 36"w, giclee on canvas, 2006




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Night Bridge

27"h x 45"w, giclee on canvas, 2006




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Night Gondolas

30"h x 40"w, giclee on canvas, 2007




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Venice By Night

24"h x 36"w, giclee on canvas, 20057




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Flower Shop By The Academia

36"h x 24"w, giclee on canvas, 2007




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Sonoma Coast

29"h x 40"w, giclee on canvas. 2005



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30"h x 40"w, giclee on canvas. 2005




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Autmn Harves

24"h x 36"w, giclee on canvas. 2004





Click on image to return

Latour Sunset

30"h x 40"w, giclee on canvas. 2004




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Mountain Oasis

27"h x 40"w, giclee on canvas. 2006




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Summer Canopy

30"h x 32"w, giclee on canvas. 2006




Sorin Sorin is a thirty eight year old painter that lives and works in Kishnev, in the republic of Moldova. His talent for drawing and painting was noticed at an early age by one of his teachers at school, during the time when sorin was a young boy there was a very good system in place for assisting young artists.

He was placed in a Art school and was eventually given a scholarship to the National Art academy in Kishnev. He attended the Repyn Art Academy as well an holds a masters of Fine art degree. Upon earning his degree Sorin worked at the national opera house painting back drops for productions there as well as holding a job as the art director for a movie studio. During the time he was employed as an art director, sorin continued to paint and hone his technical abilities. He was drawn to a style that allowed him to realistically depict his subject with photorealistic clarity using traditional painting techniques. He further enhanced his style by imbuing the paintings with soft light or warm colors and developed his style into what he considers to be romantic realism. He however is not upset by the classification of photorealist.

I love the technical nature of painting and I am a romantic at heart, so I have attempted to bring both of these elements into my work, I like to create an “ultra memory” of a place combining elements of things that inspired me about a place with ideas for making that memory more like a dream of that place.

Sorin is widely considered the best living artist in Moldova today. He is so highly regarded that when a national treasure from the museum is in need of repair or restoration; the museum calls on him, “this is something I do without asking for compensation, these are our countries great works, it is an honor to work on paintings I have studied in books as a student.”

Sorin’s works where presented to the 1998 Olympic Committee by the National Olympic committee as gifts of state.

His work hangs in a permanent exhibition in the capital building in Kishnev.

Sorin is an avid photographer and gets many of his ideas while traveling in the countryside with his camera. He is an accomplished hiker and cyclist.

Sorin has had many one man shows and group exhibitions throughout Europe and has been exhibiting in America for two years. where do to the scarcity of the paintings they are eagerly sought by collectors.

Sorin is married and has one daughter.




Unbelievable Pencil Art by Paul Lung


pencil drawings by Paul Lung

It’s hard to belive but all these picture are not photos but pencil drawings.

The author of such unbelievable art is 38-year-old graphic artist from Hong Kong Paul Lung.

0.5 mm technical pencil and A2 paper are the only attributes of these masterpieces.

He doesn’t use eraser and spends up to 60 hours sketching out his pictures.

As he often admits people do not belive him and he has to make videos of his work to prove that these art works are not photographs.

Check it by yourself.


pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung

pencil drawings by Paul Lung



                                                                            Carl Frieseke

















                                                                     Duane Hanson


                                                                          The Sculptor: Self Portrait





Duane Hanson

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Duane Hanson (January 17, 1925–January 6, 1996) was an American artist based in South Florida, a sculptor known for his lifecast realistic works of people, cast in various materials, including polyester resin, fiberglass, Bondo and bronze. His work is often associated with the Pop Art movement, as well as hyperrealism.
Hanson was born in Alexandria, Minnesota. He received his Bachelor of Arts from Macalester College in 1946 and his MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1951. From 1953 to 1960, Hanson taught art in Munich and Bremerhaven, Germany. From 1962 to 1965 Hanson was a professor of art at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Starting in the mid-1980s, Hansons works were cast in bronze. His works are exact down to every detail; made via lifecasting, the pieces created from epoxy resin or bronze, and the whole sculpture painted to faithfully resemble a living person. This combined with hand-picked wigs, clothing and accessories means that Hanson’s works are perfect simulacra, often fooling gallery visitors with their ordinary appearance and casual stances.

Hanson chose to sculpt working-class citizens, unremarkable people going about their business transformed into highly complex works of art—he gave these overlooked, generalized people a singular identity, highlighting their activities and societal roles. Duane Hanson and John DeAndrea are the two sculptors most associated with photorealism. Both are famous for amazingly lifelike painted sculptures of average people, complete with hair and real clothes. They were called Verists. Today the Australian artist Ron Mueck's work relates to Hanson and DeAndrea. Hanson is recognised as one of the most accomplished hyper-real sculptors ever.

Hanson’s work is represented in most major modern collections. His work has been shown internationally in many important exhibitions, including two solo retrospectives at New York's Whitney Museum in 1978 and 1998, Five Artists and the Figure at the Whitney Museum, a solo show at the London's Saatchi Gallery, the 1995 Monte Carlo Sculpture Biennale, and ‘Pop Art: 1955–1970’ at the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.



                                                                                         Queenie II





                                                                                 Drug Addict





                                                                               Young shopper










                                                                                   Seated Artist 





                                                                                     Tourists II





                                                                                     Car Dealer





                                                                           Man on the Mower





                                                                               Seated Old Man 





                                                                                        Sun Bather









                                                                                          Slab Man





                                                                                Man on a bench




















                                                                 Woman with child in stroller 





                                                                               House Painter





                                                                                 House Painter 





                                                                              Flea Market Lady





                                                                        Flea market vendor





                                                                           Chinese Student





                                                                        Woman with Suitcase





                                                                          Motorcycle Accident





                                                                           High School Student





                                                                            Child with Puzzle



                     Robert Cottingham

                    [American Photorealist Painter, born in 1935]






                                                                    An American Alphabet: A




                                                                     An American Alphabet: B




                                                                       An American Alphabet: E





An American Alphabet: F


An American Alphabet: J


An American Alphabet: K

                                                                       An American Alphabet: L





An American Alphabet: M

                                                                     An American Alphabet: O




                                                                       An American Alphabet: P





An American Alphabet: R

                                                                          An American Alphabet: S




                                                                       An American Alphabet: T




                                                                     An American Alphabet: V





An American Alphabet: X

                                                                      An American Alphabet: Z
















                                                                                    11th Street




                                                                                  Component I



Component V

                                                                                Component X




                                                                                  Component XVII




                                                                            Component XXIV




                                                                              Component XXVI




                                                                             Component XXVIII




                                                                             Eighteen Components




                                                                              Oreal's Remington 




                                                                              Lynn's Portable








                                                                                 Remington #5




                                                            Rolling Stock Series: For Trish




                                                                  Rolling Stock Series: For Leslie




                                                                    Rolling Stock Series: For Jesse



                                                                   Rolling Stock Series: For Chuck



                                                                     Rolling Stock Series: For Armyn



                                                                  Mile Davidivic





























                        Audrey Flack




                                                                      We Are All Light and Energy






                                                                                    Royal Flush












                                                                                   In My Life




                                                                              Rolls Royce Lady




                                                                               Recording Angel








                                                                             Receiver of the Sun




                                                                                    The Art Muse








                                                                            American Athena




                                                                             Macarena Esperanza




                                                                               Amor Vincit Omnia




                                                                                Head of Civitas







Black Medicine






Egyptian Rocket Goddess


                                                    Gateway to the City of Rock Hill, South Carolina


                                                                Audrey Flack








Audrey Flack

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Audrey Flack (b. 1931 in New York) is an American photorealist painter, printmaker, and sculptor.

Flack studied fine arts in New York from 1948 to 1953. Her early work was abstract; one such painting paid tribute to Franz Kline. But gradually, Flack became a New Realist and finally a photorealist, in reaction to the abstract art movement. She later claimed she found the photorealist movement too restricting, and now gains much of her inspiration from baroque art.

The ironic kitsch themes in her early work influenced Jeff Koons. A pioneer of Photorealism and a nationally recognized painter and sculptor, Ms. Flack's work is in the collections of major museums around the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Museum of Modern Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and Whitney Museum of American Art and the National Museum of Art in Canberra, Australia. She was the first photorealist painter to have work purchased by the Museum of Modern Art.




                                                                                  Wheel of Fortune




                                                                                  Pretty woman 





Kennedy Motorcade

                                                                          Parrots Live Forever




                                                                                 Time to Save 









World War II

                                                                                        Rich Art




                                                                              Energy Apples










                                                                  Cast Your Fate to the Wind




                                                                           A Course in Miracles



                                                                              Leonardo's Lady




Farb Family Portrait


Roman Beauties








                                                     34th Street, Manhattan




         Central Savings



        Cabinas Telefonicas




        Autobus de Broadway en la calle Liberry  



        Circus Drive-In  



         Canadian Club  



         Cafe Express  









         Car Reflections




                     Gourmet Treats



                      Urban Landscape No 3




                       Urban Landscape No 7




                                                Qualicraft Shoes




                    The Plaza




                                                Urban Landscape No 1




                                                Urban Landscape No 2




                                                Urban Landscape No 4




                                                Urban Landscape No 5




                                                 Urban Landscape No 6




                                                Urban Landscape No 8




                  Antactica II




                  Urban Landscapes III, Skating Rink




                                                Clothing Store












                                                Holland Hotel




                                                             Victory Theatre




                                                Hotel Empire




                                                   Park Row Looking Towards City hall




Richard Estes

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard Estes (born May 14, 1932 in Kewanee, Illinois) is an American painter who is best known for his photorealistic paintings. The paintings generally consist of reflective, clean, and inanimate city and geometric landscapes. He is regarded as one of the founders of the international photo-realist movement of the late 1960s, with painters such as Ralph Goings, Chuck Close, and Duane Hanson.

At an early age, Richard's family moved to Chicago. As a young adult, Richard studied fine arts at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He frequently studied the works of realist painters such as Edgar Degas, Edward Hopper, and Thomas Eakins, who are strongly represented in the Art Institute's collection. Richard moved to New York City in 1956, after he had completed his course of studies, and worked for the next ten years as a graphic artist for various magazine publishers and advertising agencies in New York and Spain. During this period, he painted in his spare time. By 1966, he had the financial resources to devote himself full-time to painting.

Most of Richard's paintings from the early 1960s are of city dwellers engaged in everyday activities. Beginning around 1967, Richard began to paint storefronts and buildings with glass windows, and more importantly, the reflected images shown on these windows. The paintings were based on color photographs he would take, which trapped the evanescent nature of the reflections, which would change in part with the lighting and the time of day. While some amount of alteration was done for the sake of aesthetic composition, it was important to Richard that the central and the main reflected objects be recognizable, but also that the evanescent quality of the reflections be retained. Richard had his first of many one-man shows in 1968, at the Allan Stone Gallery. His works have also been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. In 1971, Richard was granted a National Council for the Arts fellowship.





 "Rehab Food Program TX, 1945"
watercolor on paper
13 x 10"

"Union Station, April 14, 1945"
15 x 20" 

 "Pennsylvania Avenue, April 14, 1945"
13 x 10"

 "Mourners, Washington, April 14, 1945"
13 x 10"

"Washington Inaugural, 1933"
watercolor on paper
15 x 20" 

 "Washington DC, March 1945"
watercolor on paper
13 x 10"

 "FSA Photographer Dorothea Lange, 1939"
watercolor on paper
10 x 13"

 "Birmingham Alabama, 1936"
watercolor on paper
10 x 13"

"Wanto Grocery, March 1942"
15.24 x 20" 

 "White House Balcony, January 20, 1945"
18 x 23"

 "White House, December 7, 1941"
15 x 20"

 "Tennessee Employment Office, 1938"
10 x 13"

 "General Harmon, Mrs Roosevelt, Admiral Halsey, 1943"
13 x 10"

 "California Theatre - San Francisco 1927"
10 x 13"

 "Rudolph Valentino - The Sheik - 1921"
20 x 15"

 "Rudolph Valentino - Son of the Sheik - 1921"
20 x 15"

 "Rudolph Valentino - The Sheik - 1921"
10 x 13"

10.25 x 12.5"
Fr: 17 x 19.25"

10.25 x 12.5"

 "Piazza Navona / Fountain of Neptune"
15 x 20

 "Union Square"
graphite on paper
15 x 20

 "Loew's Warfield Theatre"
9 x 13"

 "Luchows 1938"
15 x 20"

 "Orchard and Hicks St, NYC 1938"
11 x 16"

"Arrow Beer, 1941"
20 x 15" 

 "Lyric Theater, NYC 1936"
12 x 16"

 "Greenmont Avenue and 32nd St, Baltimore 1940"
10 x 13"

 "Christopher and Bleecker, NYC 1936"
10 x13"

"Chambers Street Ferry, New York 1936"
10 x 13"




 "Grand Central"
oil on linen
50 x 68"

 "Trafalgar Square"
oil on linen
36" x 74"

 "Pont Des Arts"
oil on linen
40 x 72"

"Study for Central Park Lake"
oil on linen
14 x 32"

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