Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People in a sweet potato





야채를 명화로 변신시킨 [中]아티스트




Vegetable Museum



Ju Duoqi[桔多淇]




1973 / Born in Chongqing, China

1996 / Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Collage

2005 / Living and working in Beijing






[中] 아티스트 Ju Duoqi는 그녀의 부엌을 Studio 삼아

야채를 졸이고 튀기고 건조하고 절켜 그 재료를 이용하여

반 고흐, 파블로 피카소, 레오나르도 다빈치, 앤디 워홀,등의

거장의 작품을 이렇게 변신 시켰다.  



Chinese artist Ju Duoqi puts a whole new meaning to ‘playing

with your food, transforming ordinary vegetables into veggie replicas

of legendary works of art by masters such as

Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci,

and Andy Warhol’s Marylin Monroe.

Ju Duoqi’s kitchen is her studio, and vegetables are her paint.

The 35-year-old artist uses boiled, dried, fried,

and pickled vegetables, finishing with the fastest-rotting ingredients to create

her masterpiece versions made entirely out of vegetables.







Birth of the Gingerman






Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa recreated out of vegetables






Picasso’s The Dream in tofu






Death of the Cabbage Head






Ju used cabbage and garlic for Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe






Scream of the Sweet Potatoes






Picasso with onions and Noodles






Napoleon on Potatoes






Ju’s version of Vincent van Gogh’s self-portrait using cucumber and carrot






Raft of the Lotus Roots






The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Pickled Cabbage






The Third of May 2008






The Last Supper






Pickled Cucumber on the Volga






The Kiss of the Radishes






Birthday of the Eggplants






The Sleeping Taroman






 The Birth of Venus




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